You can see a full-length version of my CV here.
- PhD, Stanford University, 2025 (expected)
- Graduate School of Education
- Concentration: Developmental and Psychological Sciences
- Minor: Psychology
- Area of study: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
- B.A., University of California, Irvine, 2018
- Major: Education Sciences
- Concentration: Children’s Learning and Development
- Minor: Psychology and Social Behavior
Work experience
2020-Present - Graduate Student Researcher, Stanford University Brain Development and Education Lab | Reading & Dyslexia Research Program Research Advisor: Jason Yeatman, Ph.D.
- Conducted independent research on neuroimaging and behavioral datasets.
- Collected, cleaned, and analyzed data as part of a longitudinal reading intervention study utilizing MRI (certified to operate MRI machine independently).
- Design research experiments for independent and group use.
- Contributed to assessment development for part of the Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR) platform.
2019-2020 Full-Time Research Assistant, University of California, Irvine Individualizing Student Instruction Lab Mentor: Carol Connor, Ph.D.
- Helped to develop and implement tools for Assessment to Instruction (A2i) and Optimizing Learning Opportunities for Students (OLOS) software.
- Collected, managed, and cleaned data.
- Managed cross-university collaborative research efforts.
- Conducted independent research centered on reading development in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing children along with child behavior, bilingualism, and academic success.
2018 Undergraduate Researcher, University of California, Irvine Individualizing Student Instruction Lab Honors Program Mentor: Carol Connor, Ph.D.
- Developed training tools for the OLOS classroom observation system, video and live coded classrooms, administered and scored standardized assessments.
2016 Student Researcher, Irvine Valley College Research interests: Personality and emotional well-being Honors Program Research Advisor: Michael Cassens
- MRI certified
- Certified to independently operate the 3T scanner at the Stanford Center for Neurobiological Imaging
- Working knowledge of several coding and statistical languages
- Python, R, MatLab, Julia, command line
- Experience preprocessing and analyzing neuroimaging datasets
- Experience with neuroimaging-specific software
- Nilearn, NiBable, BrainIAK, FreeSurfer, MRIcron, FMRIPrep, BIDS formatting, vistasoft, SPM, CONN
- Experience working with children ages 3-18 in various contexts
- Working knowledge of FileMaker, classroom observation systems, and various testing materials
- American Sign Language (Limited Proficiency)
Service and leadership
2022-Present - GSE Mentorship Program Co-Chair, Stanford University
- Coordinate mentorship pairings
- Plan regular events to facilitate mentorship opportunities for mentors and mentees
2021-Present - Student Mentor, Stanford University Students mentored:
- Various 1st year Ph.D. Students and Masters students through the GSE Mentorship Program
- Psychology Honors Program Thesis Advisor
- NeURO Fellowship Project Advisor
- Symbolic Systems Summer Internship Advisor
- Mentor for independent local High School research project
2020 - Conference Facilitator, Stanford University Conference: Build Together, Learn Better
- Facilitated a series of virtual convenings for San Jose students with learning differences and their families, Silicon Valley technology partners, and education leaders