You can see a full-length version of my CV here.


Work experience

2020-Present - Graduate Student Researcher, Stanford University Brain Development and Education Lab | Reading & Dyslexia Research Program Research Advisor: Jason Yeatman, Ph.D.

2019-2020 Full-Time Research Assistant, University of California, Irvine Individualizing Student Instruction Lab Mentor: Carol Connor, Ph.D.

2018 Undergraduate Researcher, University of California, Irvine Individualizing Student Instruction Lab Honors Program Mentor: Carol Connor, Ph.D.

2016 Student Researcher, Irvine Valley College Research interests: Personality and emotional well-being Honors Program Research Advisor: Michael Cassens


Service and leadership

2022-Present - GSE Mentorship Program Co-Chair, Stanford University

2021-Present - Student Mentor, Stanford University Students mentored:

2020 - Conference Facilitator, Stanford University Conference: Build Together, Learn Better